🚀 How to supercharge your design career!As an early or mid-career designer, it wasn’t easy to know what I should focus on. Should I focus on honing my craft, or work on diverse…Nov 30, 2020177Nov 30, 2020177
Lessons on designing change in complex systemsWhat I learnt while I travelled and worked in 18 countriesOct 24, 2020166Oct 24, 2020166
What are systems thinking?In your country, where do cars drive? On the right-hand side or the left? Have you ever thought about why the steering wheel is where it…Oct 23, 2020116Oct 23, 2020116
💌Some of the best short courses I have taken have been email courses — daily insights delivered to your inbox. So I decided to do one!Oct 23, 2020119Oct 23, 2020119
Are Designers arrogant? The secret toolkit of DesignersDesigners aren’t superhumans, even if some feel like they are. We have strengths and weaknesses, hopes and dreams, fears and biases. So…Aug 1, 202049Aug 1, 202049
I travelled to Marshall Islands, Kenya, China and Malawi – here’s what I learntIn 2019, I travelled to a few countries to teach and apply human-centred #design, like the Marshall Islands, Kenya, China and Malawi!Jul 28, 202088Jul 28, 202088
The potential of behaviour change at scaleThe Coronavirus pandemic has placed a spotlight on an important topic — behaviour change. All of a sudden, we were asked to stay at home…Jul 26, 20205Jul 26, 20205
Published inUX PlanetWhat Designers can learn from Software EngineersTwo principles to help you enhance your Design practiceJul 13, 20203Jul 13, 20203
Published inUX PlanetThree ways to visualise a complex systemDesigning in complex systems is hard, but there are ways to help you understandJun 29, 202032Jun 29, 202032
Getting started in applying Design for impactThis blog post will be a bit different. Over the past few weeks, I have been asked about how I got started in Design. Initially, I thought…Jun 21, 2020Jun 21, 2020
How I got started with Design for impactThe principles I applied to work around the world on solving complex problemsJun 14, 2020Jun 14, 2020
Journey maps, user pathways and interaction modelsTools to help you design for people’s journeys, experiences and interactionsJun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020
Principles for better remote facilitationImprove your dialogues and achieve better outcomesJun 7, 2020Jun 7, 2020
How coaching helps you get unstuckI’ve recently been reflecting on my work. Something didn’t feel right and I wasn’t sure what it was. I thought maybe it was my salary, was…May 29, 2020May 29, 2020
The best designers are humble, curious and generousHumility means you’re open to criticism, and you want to get better every day. You seek feedback to learn, and you share your feedback…May 23, 2020May 23, 2020
How you can make a difference in people’s livesYou can use design to leave a lasting legacyMay 14, 2020May 14, 2020
Communicating your research at paceDuring the past few weeks, I’ve been able to speed up our approach to user research. Instead of taking five days to turn around our…May 2, 2020May 2, 2020
What to do when you’re innovating with 1,200 people from 160 countriesFive lessons from working with 1,200 people to progress the UN’s Sustainable Development GoalsDec 2, 2019Dec 2, 2019
In the new year, let’s remember to be humanThis evening, I came across an article that explored a criminal case where a woman had been assaulted, shot, and burnt alive. The article…Dec 14, 2017Dec 14, 2017